DeLon is a American singer-songwriter, actor, rapper, pianist and record producer. DeLon was born in Los Angeles, California to parents from Sri Lanka. After attending college at USC, DeLon released his first album which was critically acclaimed as he became the first artist of Sri Lanka heritage to be on the US Billboard Charts. His first #1,

DeLon has since release quite a bit of content in for the general public. 4 Albums in total and 2 mixtapes, though 2 of his albums have been boarded by the net because of their irrelevance to his new style. DeLon was not a singer when he started, he is now; DeLon was not a musician when he started he is now, piano and guitar to be more specific. Times have changed for DeLon and his music has changed as well.

When asked why he has moved so far from his original roots he responded, “I haven’t moved far away from anything, I am just exploring the bigger brother of the art I love so much and he is pretty cool. So I am going to hang out with him for awhile.” DeLon is currently working on a full album of all new material where he will be playing the piano and on some songs playing the guitar and singing material that speaks to him.

My Music

2016 marks the beginning of a new era for DeLon


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